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An organization or an individual wishing to become a member to file an application with the Secretary of IFKF.

Send the completed application form to IFKF - WKA Secretariat Services at

The application will be acknowledged immediately. The Membership Subcommittee will vet the application on the basis of the eligibility criteria and the application of fee reduction (if applied).

The applicant will be informed of the outcome of the application and the annual fee (if reduction is applied) within 6-8 weeks. Information on payment will be forwarded to the applicant.

Membership Fee

(a) Organization / Affiliate membership 

- Membership will be valid for one year with effect from 01 Jan 2025. This will be calculated as one calendar year January to December. This change is due to us wanting to have a fixed period which is easy to track.

- Membership will now be two slab basis:

  • US$ 100 and
  • US$300

Membership fee for a period of 1 year ie., Calendar year (1st January to 31st December).

(b) Associate membership

- US$ 100, membership fee for a period of 1 year ie., Calendar year (1st January to 31st December).

(c) Individual Membership

- US$ 100, membership fee for a period of 1 year ie., Calendar year (1st January to 31st December).

Annual fee – duration and payment due date

Payment date and duration of 1 year fee

The fee is for the 12 months.

*As the collection of membership fees has got delayed, we request immediate payment.