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Alessandro Balducci,  Italian kidney foundation

Alessandro Balducci, Italian kidney foundation

Dina Abdellatif, NKF-ESNT, Egypt

Dina Abdellatif, NKF-ESNT, Egypt

Lucila Careaga-Angulo, Mexico Asociacion ALE, IAP

Lucila Careaga-Angulo, Mexico Asociacion ALE, IAP

Latha A Kumaraswami, TANKER foundation India

Latha A Kumaraswami, TANKER foundation India

Past President
Dina Abdellatif, NKF-ESNT, Egypt

Dina Abdellatif, NKF-ESNT, Egypt


Council Members (2024-2026)

  1. President: Alessandro Balducci (Italian kidney foundation)
  2. Secretary: Dina Abdellatif (NKF-ESNT, Egypt)
  3. Treasurer: Lucila Careaga-Angulo (Mexico Asociacion ALE, IAP)
  4. Past-President: Latha Kumaraswami (TANKER foundation, India)
  5. President Elect: Dina Abdellatif, NKF-ESNT, Egypt.
  6. Dr. Siu-Fai Lui BBS MH JP (Hong Kong Kidney Foundation)
  7. Dr. Zaki Morad (Malaysia Kidney Foundation)
  8. Esther Obeng, (Ghana Kidney Foundation)
  9. Ayşe Onat (Turkey Kidney Foundation)
  10. Tashi Namgay (Bhutan Kidney Foundation)
  11. Ágnes Haris (Hungarian Kidney Foundation)
  12. Dr. Harun Ur Rashid (Bangladesh Kidney Foundation )
  13. Randall Lou-Meda (Fundanier, Guatemala)
  14. Dr. Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh (Associate Member)
  15. Dr.Manjusha Yadla (Women in Nephrology, India)
  16. Mr.Bill Wong (Hong Kong Kidney Foundation)

Co-opted Council Members

  • Joel Kopple (USA)
  • Guillermo Garcia Garcia (Mexico)
  • Gamal Saadi (Egypt)

Senior Advisors

  • Timur Erk (Turkey)   Past-President of IFKF, Founding President of Turkish Kidney Foundation
  • Massimo Morosetti (Italy) President of Fondazione Italiana del Rene
  • Laszlo Rosivall (Hungary)  President of Hungarian Nephrological Society
  • Professor Ann Bonner (Australia) Head of School, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University, Australia.


  • Lawrence Agodoa, MD (NIH, USA)
  • Allison Tong (Australia)

Sub-committees (2022)

Executive Committee MembershipCommittee Finance & Fundraising Communication & OutReach Education,Publication & Program
Website Management
SF Lui SF Lui SF Lui SF Lui SF Lui
L Kumaraswami L Kumaraswami L Kumaraswami
K Kalantar K Kalantar K Kalantar K Kalantar
C Castro C Castro
A Balducci A Balducci
Dina Abdellatif Dina Abdellatif Dina Abdellatif Dina Abdellatif
J Kopple
A Onat A Onat
E Obeng E Obeng
Z Morad
Ágnes Haris

Sub-committees (2022)

Executive Membership
and Council
Finance and Fundraising Communication and Outreach,
Education and Publication
(to form subgroup)
SF Lui SF Lui SF Lui SF Lui SF Lui
L Kumaraswami L Kumaraswami L Kumaraswami L Kumaraswami L Kumaraswami
K Kalantar K Kalantar K Kalantar K Kalantar K Kalantar
G Saadi G Saadi G Saadi
C Castro C Castro
A Balducci A Balducci A Balducci A Balducci
Z Morad Z Morad Z Morad
Dina Abd El-Latif Dina Abd El-Latif
Ágnes Haris Ágnes Haris
Randall Lou-Meda Randall Lou-Meda
Tashi Namgay Tashi Namgay
Harun Rashid Harun Rashid
E Obeng E Obeng
A Onat A Onat
J Kopple J Kopple
G Garcia G Garcia