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The Environment & Kidney Health


The Italian Kidney Foundation (Fondazione Italiana del Rene)

Italian Kidney Foundation (Fondazione Italiana del Rene FIR) raises concerns about the severe consequences that the war in Gaza and Israel is inflicting on kidney patients, their families, and healthcare professionals.

Once again, a military conflict places individuals entirely unrelated to it in grave danger. Faced with Israel’s imminent offensive in the Gaza Strip and the already executed supply cuts, it is the most vulnerable who suffer the most from the repercussions of the war. Among them are undoubtedly those individuals in need of dialysis and transplant recipients, who are unable to access their treatments due to a lack of water and supplies. They live in great distress, uncertain if they will receive dialysis once the situation stabilizes, if the delay will jeopardize their lives, or if they must flee, uncertain of finding treatment for their condition.

According to the Palestinian Information Center, in Gaza, around 1,100 people with renal insufficiency require dialysis at least three times a week, including 38 children.


The FIR urges neighboring governments to provide any assistance within their power and to support any humanitarian actions necessary at this time to ensure that kidney patients in Gaza can access their treatments. This includes providing dialysis and medications to transplant patients who are forced to flee the war. As a Italian Foundation we believe in cooperation between nations, solidarity, democracy, and collaboration. These values unite us in pursuit of common goals: improving the well-being of kidney patients. Nevertheless, wars inevitably bring violence and suffering to their inhabitants.

It is imperative to respect international humanitarian law and to protect the civilian population. Kidney patients are a high-risk group, and we demand that they continue to have access to dialysis, transplantation, and healthcare.

We call to respect human rights and reconsider the interruption of water and electricity supplies to healthcare facilities. We also request the entry of essential medical supplies and medications for individuals undergoing dialysis and transplant recipients who require them.

We express our solidarity with all those affected by this terrible tragedy, we want to convey our full support and commitment to individuals with kidney disease, offering our assistance in coordinating resources to alleviate this harrowing situation.

We earnestly urge governments and medical service providers to join forces in ensuring the treatment of kidney patients and their families, who are always the most fragile and vulnerable.
Rome 18th October 2023.


33rd Annual Conference of ISOT (ISOT 2023)

” We are glad to inform you that IFKF- WKA is participating in the 33rd Annual Conference of ISOT (ISOT 2023) held by The Indian Society of Organ Transplantation (ISOT) at ITC Royal Bengal, Kolkata,India from 5th to 8th, Oct 2023.

Latha A Kumarswami, President IFKF-WKA made a powerpoint presentation on IFKF-WKA during the conference on 6th October, 2023.

We also put up a stall for promoting IFKF-WKA and WKD and the TANKER Foundation” .



World Sugar Consumption Reduction Week 2023



The Turkish Kidney Foundation, which took a global step in terms of health last year and made the ‘World Sugar Consumption Awareness Week’ enter the literature and created a large public opinion in this topic, was on the field for the second time this year during the 19-25 September World Sugar Consumption Awareness Week.

Kadıköy Pier Square was the scene of the show of performance artists carrying giant chains and candy shackles on their feet.

Within the scope of the event, Turkish Kidney Foundation President Timur Erk, Nephrology Specialist Dr. Bilal Görçin and Renal Dietician Gökçen Efe Aydın informed the public about the subject. Dancers and volunteer celebrities who came together at the Kadıköy Pier Square stepped into a healthy life by getting rid of the shackles of excessive sugar, accompanied by music on stage.

‘World Sugar Consumption Awareness Week’, which has been on the agenda of public institutions and organizations as well as private organizations in Turkey, was celebrated and brought to the agenda worldwide by many non-governmental organizations abroad.

Research and expert predictions show that excessive and uncontrolled sugar consumption poses great threats not only to diabetic patients but also to all healthy individuals and especially children, and that diabetes and obesity are increasing day by day all over the world and will continue to increase significantly in the coming years.

Excessive sugar consumption, which is one of the main causes of diabetes and obesity, can cause hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney failure, eye diseases and even limb loss due to diabetes and obesity. The leading causes of chronic kidney failure are diabetes and obesity, with a rate of 40%.

Nowadays, access to unhealthy foods is much easier and more economical than healthy foods, and the sedentary lifestyle and frequent consumption of ready-made foods, especially among those living in big cities, trigger obesity-related diabetes.

Issues such as health problems arising from excessive sugar consumption, future problems caused by childhood consumption, sugar addiction and disruption of metabolism has been discussed in detail by Timur Erk, President of the Turkish Kidney Foundation, as well as experts attending the event.


“Archeo Fit Walking” to prevent kidney disease:

600 people in Rome for the walk at the Parco degli Acquedotti organized by the Italian Kidney Foundation.


The event took place at the Parco degli Acquedotti in Rome on 26 September with the aim of raising awareness among the population about kidney diseases and organ donation. The event received notable participation: over 600 people took part in the walk guided by professional archaeologists, Nordic walking experts and motivational coaches among the imposing vestiges of ancient Rome in one of the green lungs of the city. Although kidney disease is very frequent, with an incidence rate in Italy of around 10%, it is unknown to many: in fact, it is estimated that 7 out of 10 Italians have never had a nephrological screening and few people know that in these cases the reference specialist is the Nephrologist. Precisely for this reason, on the occasion of the event an area called “Health Village” was set up where participants were able to meet doctors and specialists who offered screening and provided information, as well as patient associations. Several experts in the sector gave their contribution on issues related to CKD, including Professor Loreto Gesualdo, President of the Italian Federation of Medical Scientific Societies (FISM), Professor Luca De Nicola, incoming president of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN), Professor Paolo Menè, President of the Nephrology Specialization Schools, Professor Mariano Feccia, President of the Regional Transplant Center and Professor Roberto Palumbo, representative of the nephrology network of the Lazio Region. The event was also attended by local authorities represented by Riccardo Sbordoni, Councilor for Sport and Culture of Municipality 7 and Francesca Milito, General Director of ASL Roma 3. “Thanks to the dedication and commitment of all those who collaborated and participated we were able raise awareness among the community on the importance of preventing kidney diseases, while promoting culture and sport” declared Professor Massimo Morosetti, President of the Italian Kidney Foundation.