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250 Main Street, New York
Give us a Call
+ (12) 123 - 556 - 7890
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Opening Hours
Mon - Friday: 8AM - 5PM


Programs of IFKF-WKA

The programs and activities of IFKF-WKA are currently being enhanced.

New programs are in the planning stage.


  • International
  • Regional
  • Special topic meeting and course.

World Kidney Day (in partnership with International Society of Nephrology)

Kidney Foundation Partnership Program

Resource and inventory list

World renal recipe (cookbook)


Building and supporting foundations

Bright ideas (Sharing good practice)

Dialogue with experts

Information and education material for patients
What matters (to patient and family) movement

Patient voice
Patient stories

Communication /social media

  • Newsletter
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

 Awards/ Grants